Every day, 250,000 servings of salmon go from the slaughterhouse in Salangen. We produce over 15,000 tonnes of salmon a year.

We are proud to be an important food producer in the community. We produce fish that are proven safe and healthy to eat. We also produce the food that everyone will need to eat more of in the future. Fish and seafood contain a variety of nutrients that we need, and the consumption of salmon and seafood in general is part of both national and global nutrition councils.

Even in the seafood nation of Norway, seafood consumption has to go up. Today we eat almost twice as much meat as fish, and children and young people are the ones who eat the least seafood of all.

We need to produce more food from the sea and there is a strong global focus on aquaculture in all forms being crucial to supplying the world's population with enough food. Aquaculture is efficient food production. Worldwide, there is a shortage of seafood, also seen from a public health perspective.

Photo top: Norges Sjømatråd — Lund, Guro/Try

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Did you know that...
  • Norway produces half of the salmon in the world.
  • Every day the world eats 40 million meals with Norwegian salmon.
  • Seafood for dinner or toppings three days a week (300-450 grams) is recommended nutritional advice.
  • The salmon are our most efficient livestock. It goes with 1-1.2 kilograms of feed to produce one kilogram of salmon. It goes with 8 kilograms of feed for one kilogram of cattle.
  • Food production accounts for a third of the world's climate emissions. Seafood production is climate-friendly compared to animal food production, it is land efficient and uses little fresh water.
  • We eat 86 percent of our salmon, the rest is leftover feedstock for oil production and feed for other animals.
  • As a salmon producer, we need to document food safety throughout the value chain. Therefore, we take samples of equipment and fish daily.

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