We are responsible for ensuring good environmental conditions in the sea and nature where we operate food production.

We will conserve and use ocean and marine resources in a way that promotes sustainable development. Good environmental conditions are essential for farmed salmon to thrive. At the same time, we should not expose nature and the ecosystem to adverse effects.

Before establishing an aquaculture facility, a thorough mapping of the site is required. The preliminary investigation consists of stream measurements, mapping of bottom conditions, chemical analyses of bottom conditions, topographic surveys and surveys of benthic animals.

Monitoring the seabed

Since 2005, it has been mandatory for all fish farms in sea to monitor the environment under the cages (Foodfish Monitoring Modeling, abbreviated MOM surveys). The monitoring must meet the requirements set out in NS 9410, which is a Norwegian Standard, and it is carried out by an independent third party with proven professional competence.

We are required by law to conduct regular environmental surveys while production is in progress. Samples from the seabed are collected while we have large fish in the cages. Chemical status and sensory surveys of the environment under the cages give us good and valuable information over the sites over time.

Also takes samples far from the plant

A more comprehensive soft bottom survey (MOM C survey) is taken far from the plant itself to map impacts on the environment around the plant. Sampling stations are established here from 25 to 500 meters away from the plant. The nearest deep-water area at the plant is also being investigated. These surveys are done after each production cycle.

The results must be reported to the Directorate of Fisheries, which thereby has an overview of the environmental status of all fish farms in the country. If this monitoring shows an unacceptable environmental impact, we must implement measures that, in the worst case scenario, could mean closure of the site.

By monitoring the environment around the fish farms, we can ensure that neither the surrounding areas nor the cage environment of the farmed fish deteriorate. This is also crucial to making the best use of land and sites.

Bracketing of sites

Fish faeces and feed residues are two components that can have a bad impact on bottom conditions and life in the sea. Basically, fish feces are a natural part of the ecosystem and add important nutrient salts to the sea. The accumulation of feces and feed residues is what we must avoid, as it can lead to overfertilization and affect the ecosystem.

Choosing a suitable site to place the plant, with good current conditions, is essential to avoid one-sided stress on the seabed during merda. Throughout production, we monitor the seabed and brackish the area after completion of production. We fallow for at least 2 months before we re-use the site and release new fish. This ensures a more gentle use of nature.

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